Hope for Tomorrow
Hope for Tomorrow
Title: “Hope for Tomorrow”
Date: 4/2024
Medium: Acrylic Ink (Linocut) on Stonehenge Paper
Size: “11x14”
Artist: Kristen Hall
“Hope for Tomorrow” depicts a rose with various flowers against a brick wall background. There is blue ink surrounding some of the flowers. The blue ink intentionally abstracts the brick wall background to create a flat sense of space.
Typically, when I add color around objects in an artwork, it is to signify the presence of God’s spirit that breathes life into all things. However, in this work, I think I subconsciously chose the color blue because of the chronic pain that encloses my body each day. It is no small task to deal with moderate levels of pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for years on end. The pain can be consuming despite what other image may appear on the outside of my body. But, there is always hope that tomorrow is going to be better than today.