
Thank you for visiting Artistic Energy, LLC!  My name is Kristen Hall and I am the owner, artist and chronic pain survivor.  Below you will find my story.  I hope that it inspires someone to keep going in life despite chronic pain.

The Beginning....

My pain symptoms started in my arms after my daughter was born in 2016.  It was believed that I had a simple case of bilateral carpal tunnel/cubital tunnel.  I had 2 surgeries in 2017 to relieve the daily nerve and muscle pain.  The surgeries improved my symptoms but I returned to the doctor in 2018 with joint pain in my hands.



Sjogren's Syndrome...

In 2018, after being evaluated by 3 different rheumatologists, it was determined that I had suspected Sjogren's Syndrome, a systemic autoimmune disease that is characterized by dry mouth/eyes, joint pain and neuropathies.  I would take nsaids and immunosuppressants to control my pain and be all better.....except I wasn't all better.

Small Fiber Neuropathy....

The burning on the bottom of my feet and pain in my calves started in the summer of 2018.  It made it difficult to stand for longer than 20-30 minutes at a time.  Definitely not good for an art teacher!!!

Chronic Migraines....

For years I had sensitivity to fluorescent lights, sound, and even head pain but I never put together that I was having migraines.  I had chronic migraine as a teenager but it improved significantly with the first medication that I had tried.  I considered myself cured.  It was a virtual ER doctor who diagnosed me with migraine in the fall of 2020.  My brain told me the pain was my Sjogren's Syndrome and nothing more...but it was so much more.

The migraines became daily by the time December 2020 rolled around.  My neurologist started me on abortive and preventative medication.  Then we tried another medication....and another....nothing worked well enough for me to function normally.  The daily pain was 7/10.  I taught 1/2 days during the spring of 2021 and had to file for disability.  I was so ashamed that I couldn't fix my medical problems.



Losing my career....

After May of 2021, my career as an art teacher was over.  My ability to work any job at this point was over.  OVER.  It seemed that all my hard work to become an art teacher was wasted.  I was in daily pain and had many physical limitations.  



But wait.....


During my time as an art teacher I started experimenting with EZ-cut linoleum to create a printmaking projects for my students.  I started playing around with the idea that I could make small, printed cards.  It wasn't as big of an undertaking as a giant painting but it still kept me making art.  So I experimented...and the first ones were exciting but needed some work!




In October of 2022, I created the business "Artistic Energy, LLC" with my husband, Adam.  Even through daily, chronic pain and limitations, I wanted to make and sell my art.  Printmaking gives me something to think about when my pain feels unbearable.

I will never be as fast or efficient as the person without chronic pain and illness.  I am always getting surprised by new challenges like tennis elbow or more ulnar neuropathy.  However, I have learned to how to persevere and adapt my art practices.

I hope you enjoy my artwork!  It is a lifeline for me to weather the storm of pain.




Kristen Hall


P.S.-No story is complete without a dog picture.....